A lost wages claim after a car accident in Michigan provides a financial lifeline for victims whose injuries have disabled them from returning to work.
Category: Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
You can insure a car you don’t own in Michigan. The auto No-Fault law doesn’t require that auto insurance be personally purchased by a vehicle’s owner. If there’s a valid No-Fault policy on a vehicle – regardless of who bought it – then the owner will be considered “insured” if injured in a car accident. …
PIP insurance (personal injury protection) is the auto insurance coverage that pays for accident-related injury expenses after a car accident.
There is no uniform or legally-mandated hourly rate for attendant care in Michigan. Factors that will influence the rate include: (1) the “reasonableness” of the rate; (2) the injury involved; (3) the assistance required; and (4) the limits set by the No-Fault fee schedule. Typically, the hourly rate for attendant care will be determined either …
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How can Duggan, Leonard’s No Fault Driver’s Choice Plan work with a $25,000 cap that fails to even cover the average No Fault medical claim or one year of wage loss benefits?
State Farm “not worthy of belief” says Michigan Court Of Appeals in Gardner v. State Farm I don’t pick on State Farm. It’s just that as a No Fault insurance lawyer who writes an auto law blog, State Farm gives me so much to write about. And as a practicing attorney in the trenches, both …
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130-year-old ‘mend the hold’ doctrine can stop auto insurers from changing tune on why they denied PIP benefits after a car accident If you’re an attorney, and you’ve ever represented a person in Michigan in a No Fault lawsuit after their own insurance company denied No Fault benefits and cut them off, then I bet …
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Insurance attorney gives 5 tips to why primary medical PIP Benefits in No-Fault states can protect drivers As an insurance lawyer, I read auto insurance policies every day (yes, I do realize reading insurance contracts is not the most glamorous part about being a lawyer). But this does give me a unique insight and I …
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Why it’s not a good idea for you to cash out your No-Fault claim after a car accident, even when your attorney wants to Insurance companies want to close out no fault PIP claims. And for years they have offered a little “sweetener” – some additional sum of money – to people injured in car …