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Traumatic Brain Injury Victim Story

Michigan Car Accident Lawyers – Client Testimonial

  • Presented by: Car Accident Victim & Client
  • Description: A Detroit car accident victim describes her experience working with the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Lawyers of Michigan Auto Law.
  • Length: 2 minutes, 22 seconds

Video Transcript

Traumatic Brain Injury Victim

How did you hear about the car accident lawyers at Michigan Auto Law? I was referred to the Gurstens office by another attorney.

How would you describe your experience, working with your auto accident attorney? Kevin is a very, very, very nice person, a very warm person and good-spirited person, and he’s helped me through this process. Everyone was always nice, I always got my calls returned back the same day or the next day. I never had to go a week without having a returned call. So it was a very, very, very good experience. Kevin was very helpful to make sure that any appointments that needed to be attended that I attended those appointments. My medical bills, he made sure that they were taken care of. At times when the insurance company didn’t pay the medical bills, he made sure that I was still able to be treated by my medical doctors.

Were the results of your auto accident case what you expected? The results were really good, they exceeded my expectations.

Would you recommend Michigan Auto Law to other victims of serious car accidents? If I knew somebody that was in a car accident, I would definitely recommend this firm, I would give them the card and have them call. As a matter of fact, I have recommended a couple of people that had been in an accident. My experience was really great here. I would recommend this firm.

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