Bus accident attorney tells Michigan Lawyers Weekly that law requiring bus accident victims to provide notice of injuries within two months is unfair
Steve Gurtsen says SMART (Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transport) escaped responsibility for causing debilitating personal injuries to two of its passengers (one of whom was wheelchair-bound) and one unsuspecting driver in three separate bus accidents involving SMART buses.
In all three instances, defendant SMART got the bus accident lawsuits thrown out of court by insisting it didn’t have proper “notice” of the victims’ injuries – even though SMART knew about both the bus accidents and the serious nature of the injuries.
Gursten explains that under Michigan law, bus accident victims are punished if they don’t run to a lawyer right away. They lose any right to sue for their injuries due to a legal loophole that’s been interpreted as requiring accident victims to provide
transportation authorities with notice of their injuries within 60 days of a bus accident.
You can read Steve Gursten’s full Michigan Lawyers Weekly editorial here: Legal loophole lets SMART off the hook for bus accidents
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