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Thank you for ordering “Michigan Car Accident Victims Rights Explained: Essential Steps for a Successful Recovery of Pain and Suffering Compensation”

This book explains pain and suffering compensation, which is available for seriously injured auto accident victims. But you will also learn the legal process is seldom the “open-and-shut-case” your accident might suggest.

We hope that you will find this guide, written by our seasoned auto accident attorneys, useful in understanding the harsh demands Michigan law places on accident victims’ claims for monetary damages for their pain and suffering, as well as the traps that unwary accident victims – and lawyers who are not experts in Michigan’s auto accident law – may fall prey to. We are happy to provide you this information during this difficult time.

The attorneys of Michigan Auto Law have been helping people with dignity, respect and caring for 60 years. We are the largest law firm in the state exclusively handling car accidents, truck accidents and motorcycle accidents; and we have more million-dollar verdicts and settlements for auto negligence cases than any other personal injury law firm in Michigan.

Whether you’ve been seriously injured, or have a question about the Michigan No-Fault Law, the attorneys at Michigan Auto Law can help you get through the confusion and uncertainty an auto accident brings to your life.

We invite you to read client testimonials  of real accident victims whose lives we have changed. Call (800) 968-1001 for a free consultation with an auto accident lawyer. Our attorneys are here to fight for you.