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How To Handle Truck Accident Lawsuits

Introduction to “Big 10 Rules of the Road”

  • Presented by: Steven M. Gursten
  • Description: This is the first of a series of 13 videos for truck accident attorneys, on handling truck accident lawsuits. In this video, lawyer Morgan Adams introduces Steven Gursten, one of the most renowned truck accident attorneys in the country. Steve will share his “Big 10 Rules of the Road” with his fellow lawyers, during this American Association for Justice Interstate Truck Litigation Group conference in New Orleans.
  • Length: 2 minutes, 24 seconds.

Video Transcript:

(Attorney Morgan Adams) Right now, Steve Gursten is somebody you need to pay attention to. Steve Gursten is the past chair of the American Association for Justice Interstate Trucking Litigation Group. He’s been the Michigan Lawyers Weekly Lawyer of the Year. He’s gotten more accolades out of Michigan and higher verdicts than anybody else I’m aware of in the state of Michigan. And I’ll tell you right now, make a request for a copy of Steve’s presentation, because I know it’s going to be phenomenal. With that being said, number one in our hearts, number one in Michigan, Steve Gursten.

(Attorney Steve Gursten) I have some rules for you. You know, I have so many wonderful friends that I’ve met in this trucking litigation group. But there’s one problem I’ve noticed over the years, the 15 years I’ve been involved in this section. And that is that there are a lot of southerners in this litigation group. Not that there’s anything wrong with you guys… it’s a lot of Southern to take in one day when you’re not used to it (laughter). And then you go to dinner and all you hear about is how great the SEC is or the Big 12 is, or how great Texas is or Alabama, so I decided I was going to get even with you this year and I created my ‘Big 10 Rules of the Road.’

How Michigan Auto Law can help with your truck accident

If you’re a truck accident attorney looking for help with a truck accident lawsuit, take a look at our online guide, Help for attorneys handling truck accident cases. It includes information on:

If you’ve been in an accident in Michigan and need help, call (800) 968-1001 to speak with one of our truck accident attorneys now. There is absolutely no fee or obligation.