Bad weather: Not the cause of a truck accident
Rule 9 of “Big 10 Rules of the Road”
- Presented by: Steven M. Gursten.
- Description:This is the tenth of a series of 13 videos for truck accident lawyers, on handling truck crash cases. In this video, Steve Gursten shares Rule 9 of his “Big 10 Rules of the Road” during the American Association for Justice Interstate Truck Litigation Group conference. Rule 9 reviews the reasons hazardous driving conditions are never an excuse for a truck accident, and how a lawyer can use this point to prove the case.
- Length: 1 Minute, 17 Seconds.
Video Transcript:
Slide: Driving under hazardous driving conditions
A. Driver must use extreme cautions in conditions cause by: Snow, sleet, rain, hail, smoke, dust, ice, fog, mist, etc.
B. Great opportunity to question a driver’s subjective belief as to what hazardous conditions are.
Driving under hazardous conditions: 392.14. Drivers must use extreme caution in conditions caused by, basically everything bad. Be aware that many states actually go one important step further than this. For example, Michigan, our CDL manual says that a truck driver is required to actually reduce his speed by 2/3 of the posted speed limit, when he has extreme driving conditions. So the takeaway for all of you with this rule is this: Extreme weather will almost never, ever be a valid excuse for causing a wreck. And that’s the takeaway from this rule.
How the truck accident lawyers at Michigan Auto Law can help you
If you’re a lawyer and you need help with your truck accident lawsuit, take a look at our online guide, Help for attorneys handling truck accident cases. For more information, here’s a blog on why weather is never an excuse for a truck accident.
If you’ve been in a truck crash, call (800) 968-1001 to speak with one of our truck lawyers now. There’s no cost or obligation, and we are here to answer all of your questions.