

Stop Distracted Driving Contest

2018 Winning Submissions

We are pleased to announce the following submissions that were chosen as winners of the 2018 Kelsey’s Law Scholarship – Stop Distracted Driving Contest:


Isabel Wallace – Eisenhower High School, Michigan State University

Best Overall – Kelsey's Law Scholarship

Pictured (L to R): Attorney Brandon Hewitt, Isabel Wallace, Bonnie Raffaele, Ron Raffaele and Attorney Steve Gursten

Best Video

Mikaylah Duffield – Columbia Central High School, Lansing Community College

Best Video – Kelsey's Law Scholarship

Pictured (l to r): Attorney Brandon Hewitt, Mikaylah Duffield, Bonnie Raffaele, Ron Raffaele and Attorney Steve Gursten.

Best Graphic

Caleb Warner- Western High School

Best Graphic – Kelsey's Law Scholarship

Pictured with Caleb is Western High School Principal Dr. Jared Vickers.

Best Graphic – Kelsey's Law Scholarship

Best Tweet

Jenna Robinson – Kearsley High School

Best Tweet – Kelsey's Law Scholarship

Pictured with Jenna is Kearsley High School Principal Brian Wiskur

Best Tweet – Kelsey's Law Scholarship

Applicants were encouraged to submit a persuasive message that shows how they would convince young drivers to reduce distractions while driving. Entries were judged and critiqued on the following factors:

  • Ability to persuade others, especially teen drivers, to stop texting while driving.
  • Ability to grab the attention of your friends, peers and family.
  • A clear and understandable message.
  • Demonstration of your personal creativity and ingenuity.

The Kelsey’s Law Scholarship – Stop Distracted Driving Contest is now open for submissions. To apply Click Here.