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Motorcycle Riding Tips To Keep Michigan Motorcyclists Safe

The top motorcycle riding tips for staying safe on Michigan roads include: (1) no drunk or drugged driving; (2) no texting or using the phone; (3) always wearing a helmet; (4) defensive driving; (5) no speeding; (6) driving with lights on; (7) wearing high visibility gear; and (8) being aware of the road conditions. 

18 motorcycle riding tips for Michigan motorcyclists

  1. Never drink and drive
  2. No drugged driving
  3. No distracted driving
  4. Always wear helmet
  5. Ride defensively
  6. Do not speed
  7. Always ride with your lights on
  8. Be visible
  9. Watch for roadway debris and objects
  10. Watch the cars and trucks around you
  11. Overconfidence can be fatal
  12. Avoid the center of a traffic lane
  13. Be careful in bad weather
  14. Maintain your bike properly and schedule regular maintenance checks
  15. Wear proper eye and face protection
  16. Follow the rules of the road and use good driving judgment
  17. Slow down in low visibility situations
  18. Never assume that other drivers see you

1. Never drink and drive

This motorcycle riding tip goes without saying. 29% of the riders who were killed in fatal motor vehicle traffic crashes nationwide in 2021 were alcohol-impaired, and 26% of the motorcyclists killed in Michigan in 2022 lost their lives in “had-been-drinking” crashes.

2. No drugged driving

Though marijuana is legal in some states, this motorcycle riding tip should be obvious. Never operate a motorcycle under the influence of marijuana or other drugs as it can lead to poor judgement and delayed response times.

3. No distracted driving

Put down the phone and keep your eyes on the road. It’s the law. Michigan’s distracted driving laws prohibit motorcyclists from using a hand-held cell phone or mobile electronic device to: (1) talk on the phone; (2) text; (3) watch or record videos; and (4) post to and engage on social media.

4. Always wear a helmet

Helmets are estimated to be 37-percent effective in preventing fatalities to motorcycle riders and 41 percent for motorcycle passengers, according to NHTSA. As a result of a one-year study, NHTSA estimated that helmets saved the 1,872 motorcyclists’ lives nationwide and could have saved 749 more if all motorcyclists had been wearing helmets. In that same study, NHTSA reported that helmets saved 46 lives in Michigan and could have saved 27 if there had been 100% helmet use by all motorcyclists.

5. Ride defensively

This motorcycle riding tip is a reminder that Michigan motorcyclists that use safe driving strategies and are aware of their surroundings tend to be safer. According to the statistics, 43% of all motorcycle/motor vehicle fatal crashes nationwide in 2021 involved a motorcyclist that was driving in a straight, forward direction when a car or truck turned left in front of them. In Michigan in 2022, 78.4% of all motorcycle operators killed in fatal accidents were “going straight ahead” just before the crash.

6. Don’t speed

The statistics show that 33% of the riders involved in fatal crashes nationally in 2021 were speeding.

7. Always ride with your lights on

Most bikes allow you to do this even during the day, which will make you more visible on the road.

8. Be visible

Choose a helmet and gear that has bright colors, reflective tape or other materials that will increase your visibility to other drivers.

9. Watch for roadway debris and objects

Be vigilant at all times and – where possible – avoid construction areas that will increase the likelihood of dangerous objects on roadways. Although highway road defects are responsible for less than 2 percent of all crashes with motorcyclists (far less than alcohol and human error), please use good sense and choose alternative routes that may present a safer situation.

10. Watch the cars and trucks around you

This motorcycle riding tip is in the vein of defensive driving. Never assume that drivers of other vehicles will give you the right of way.

11. Overconfidence can be fatal

Operating a motor bike takes great skill and coordination. Experience and safe driving practice are the best way to develop your ability to steer, brake and accelerate.

12. Avoid the center lane of a traffic lane

This motorcycle riding tip may catch Michigan motorcyclists by surprise but the center of a traffic lane tends to be an area where you can find hazards such as oil slicks, road debris, manhole covers and other hazards.

13. Be careful in bad weather

Avoid driving after rain, or during light rains or accumulations when oil and other substances will pool on road surfaces and create slippery conditions for motorcyclists.

14. Maintain your bike properly and schedule regular maintenance checks

Check your brakes, and do a routine safety check before operating.

15. Wear proper eye and face protection

Wearing the proper eye and face protection is a motorcycle riding tip for Michigan motorcyclists that can help improve vision in the sun and guard eyes and face from wind and debris.

16. Follow the rules of the road and use good driving judgment

Remember, just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

17. Slow down in low visibility situations

Keep your speed down when you’re around other vehicles, intersections, side streets, and areas where vision areas may be blocked or partially obscured.

18. Never assume that other drivers see you

Assuming you’re invisible is a motorcycle riding tip that should be at the forefront of all motorcyclist mind while traveling on Michigan roads. It’s hard for drivers to gauge the speed and distance that motorcyclists are moving and drivers can easily misjugde the speed you are traveling. Do everything possible to make sure you are seen and heard in order to stay safe and avoid a collision.

Injured in a motorcycle accident? Call the attorneys at Michigan Auto Law

Though you may follow these motorcycle riding tips while traveling on Michigan roads, accidents can still happen. If you are a motorcyclist who has been injured in an automobile accident involving a car or truck and would like to speak with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, call toll free anytime 24/7 at (800) 968-1001 for a free consultation with one of our attorneys. You can also contact us by visiting our contact page or you can use the chat feature on our website.