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Car Accident Checklists

Find everything you need to know about your car crash – and how to best protect yourself throughout the litigation process with our car accident checklists

To speak with an accident lawyer now, call (800) 968-1001. There is no cost or obligation.

What To Do After A Car Accident Checklist: 9 Steps To Take In Michigan 

Our car accident attorneys provide time-sensitive precautions auto accident victims must take, including important medical advice and lawsuit timelines.

Injured in a Car Accident: Michigan Car Accident Victims Guide

Here’s a list of the top 9 tips for injured auto accident victims, including important actions that will ensure a successful car accident injury lawsuit.

Safe Driving Tips

This car accident checklist from the attorneys at Michigan Auto Law tell you how to avoid – and prevent – car accidents, through safe driving and proper preparations.

Lawsuit FAQs 

Personal injury victims often don’t realize that innocent errors can affect a case. These are some mistakes to avoid, so you can have the most successful car accident case.

Get help from a car lawyer now

Please call Michigan Auto Law at (866) 886-9668. Our accident lawyers can answer all of your questions, and the call is free. You can also fill out our auto accident lawyer free consultation form.

Michigan Auto Law is the leading and largest law firm in the state handling auto accident cases. We consistently win the highest verdicts and settlements in Michigan each year on behalf of accident victims like you.