The Michigan speeding car accident law allows crash victims who have been injured by speeding drivers to recover pain and suffering compensation as well as money damages to cover their crash-related medical bills and lost wages and earnings when their injuries disable them from returning to work.
If you or a loved one were hurt by a speeding driver, one of the first things you should do is consult with an experienced car accident lawyer who can help you hold the offending driver responsible and fight to get you the full and fair compensation you and your family deserve.
How many car accidents are caused by speeding in Michigan?
Of the 1,660 drivers involved in fatal accidents in Michigan in 2023, excessive speed was reported by police as a factor for 210 (12.6%) of the drivers, according to Michigan Traffic Crash Facts. (2023 Quick Facts; “Speeding” Fact Sheet (2023))
Additionally, “excessive speed” was identified as “the hazardous action” for 11.7% of the drivers who were involved in fatal crashes in Michigan in 2023, according to Michigan Traffic Crash Facts. (2023 Quick Facts)
In Michigan in 2023, there were 21,357 crashes involving a motor vehicle driver who was speeding, according to Michigan Traffic Crash Facts (“Speeding” Fact Sheet (2023))
Is speed a factor in all fatal accidents in Michigan?
In Michigan, though speeding is not a factor in all fatal accidents, it plays a significant role as studies show that increases in speed limits lead to increases in traffic fatalities.
Can I sue the at-fault driver who was speeding and crashed into me?
In Michigan, a lawyer may be able to help you sue the speeding driver who caused your car accident if that person was fully or partially at-fault for the crash and if you can prove you suffered a “serious impairment of body function,” meaning your injuries affected your ability to live your normal, pre-crash life.
Our experienced attorneys will use your medical records and our testimony about how your injuries have impacted your normal life to prove you have suffered a “serious impairment. Although the insurance company will likely try to minimize the impact of your injuries, our lawyers will not let you get bullied. We will fight for you and your family to get the compensation you and your family deserve.
How to prove speeding in a car accident in Michigan?
In Michigan, proving speeding in a car accident will require one or more of the following types of evidence: video of the driver, statements by witnesses of the crash, “black box” ECM data, damage to the vehicles involved, photos of the crash scene, and expert testimony from a crash reconstructionist.
Video evidence can from dash cams, surveillance cameras, and witnesses cell phone cameras. Witnesses of the crash can be drivers, vehicle occupants and pedestrians.
What happens if someone is killed by an at-fault driver who was speeding?
If your loved one is killed by an at-fault driver who was speeding, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the speeding driver. A wrongful death action allows family members to recover pain and suffering compensation and damages for loss of their loved one’s companionship and financial support.
Under Michigan law, the damages that can be recovered in a wrongful death case include: 1) medical, hospital, funeral, and burial expenses, 2) compensation for the deceased’s pain and suffering, and 3) damages for loss of the deceased’s financial support, society and companionship.
It is important to note that a wrongful death action must be commenced by the personal representative of the decedent’s estate within three years of the crash.
What kind of compensation can I get?
There are two types of damages you may recover – economic and noneconomic.
Economic damages are for tangible losses with objectively measurable values, including medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage.
Noneconomic damages are for quality-of-life losses, including: 1) physical pain and suffering, 2) mental anguish, 3) fright and shock, 4) denial of social pleasure and enjoyments, 5) embarrassment, humiliation or mortification, and (6) shame, mental pain and anxiety.
Does speeding cause accidents in Michigan?
In Michigan, speeding does cause car accidents because drivers have less time to react, drivers need more distance to slow down/stop, drivers are more likely to lose control when attempting an evasive steering maneuver, and high speed crashes result in injuries of increased severity, according to IIHS.
Should I hire an attorney?
In general, you should hire an attorney after a crash if: 1) you have questions about your legal rights or what you should do, 2) you’ve been injured, 3) the auto insurance company is not treating you honestly or fairly, and 4) you’re not getting the medical care you need.
Michigan’s vehicle crash laws are some of the most complex in the nation. It’s easy to miss critical reporting and filing deadlines, and insurance companies will do everything in their power to reduce the value of your claim. As such, hiring an experienced lawyer is one of the most important things you can do to protect and maximize your settlement.
Injured in a speeding car accident in Michigan? Call the attorneys at Michigan Auto Law now for a free consultation!
If you were injured in a speeding car accident in Michigan and you have concerns and questions about your legal rights to pain and suffering compensation, economic damages and auto No-Fault insurance benefits, call now (800) 968-1001 for a free consultation with an experienced lawyer. There is no cost or obligation. You can also visit our contact page or use the chat feature on our website.
Michigan Auto Law is Michigan’s largest and most successful law firm that specializes exclusively in helping people who have been injured in automobile craehs.
Our secret? Our car accident lawyers deliberately handle fewer cases than other personal injury law firms. This allows us to focus more time and attention on our cases.
Unlike other law firms, attorneys are never too busy to promptly return phone calls and answer questions.
We have more than 2,000 5-Star Reviews that reflect this care and attention to detail.
More importantly, this client-focused approach leads to better and faster settlements for our clients. Michigan Auto Law has recovered more million-dollar settlements and trial verdicts for motor vehicle crashes than any other lawyer or law firm in Michigan. We’ve also recovered the highest ever reported truck crash and car crash settlement in the state.
Call now so we can start making a real difference for you.