Insurance lawyer’s letter in Oakland County Legal News on Senate bills that would leave accident victims lacking medical care
Steve Gursten, an insurance lawyer and partner of Michigan Auto Law, had his letter to the editor published in the Oakland County Legal News. Gursten wrote to inform readers of proposed laws that would dismantle the state’s entire No-Fault system – and make auto insurance companies even richer.
Said Gursten, “Michigan drivers have the best insurance system in the country, but some lawmakers in the Michigan Legislature want to dismantle that system — so insurance companies can reap even bigger profits. Instead of taking a hard look at these record breaking insurance company profits, these proposed bills would dismantle important protections for drivers, and shift the costs and burden to Medicaid and the taxpayers.”
Here’s the full article in the Oakland County Legal News – Proposed bills on No-Fault ‘reform’ will be legislative whiplash for state drivers
The same letter was also published in the Macomb County Legal News and the Detroit Legal News, which are sister papers of the Oakland County Legal News.
Related information:
Michigan No-Fault insurance benefits