In a recent blog, “Vote for Judge Diane Hathaway in the Michigan Supreme Court Election,” I discussed the importance of voting for a judge that’s independent and not beholden to powerful insurance companies. As Election Day draws near, it’s imperative that voters do their homework, and hopefully take the advice of the car accident lawyers at Michigan Auto Law by replacing incumbent Chief Justice Cliff Taylor with Judge Diane Marie Hathaway of the 3rd Circuit Court in Detroit.
Meanwhile, the Michigan Democratic Party has released another advertisement on Taylor’s serious faults to point voters in the right direction. The ad depicts President Bush vying for Taylor during a speaking engagement. It says that Bush and Taylor share the same agenda based on Taylor’s rulings: “Drug companies can’t be sued, women raped at work can’t sue their own employers, Michigan environment cannot be protected by ordinary citizens.”
You can view more informative anti-Cliff Taylor commercials from the Michigan Democratic Party on YouTube. One sarcastically compares Taylor to the fairy tale character Sleeping Beauty for falling asleep during a case of which six children perished in a house fire.
Another asks if Taylor will ignore his clear conflict of interest and selfishly protect his pay and perks by abusing his power on the Court to block ballot initiatives.
What’s important about these ads is the underlying message that Cliff Taylor has abused his power. Keep in mind that he has voted for big insurance companies and corporate special interests nearly 90 percent of the time, according to Michigan Lawyers Weekly.
On the bright side, the Lansing State Journal says, “Hathaway is a fix for the broken Supreme Court.” That’s because Judge Hathaway believes we need a fair and impartial Court that stands up for middle-class families.
If you have thoughts on Hathaway, Taylor or the upcoming Michigan Supreme Court election, let us know by making a comment.
Remember, please do what you can to spread the word on Hathaway’s importance to Michigan residents’ everyday lives. Come Election Day Nov. 4, “Vote all the way — Vote Hathaway” on the non-partisan section of your ballot.
– This post was written by Steve Gursten, managing partner of Michigan Auto Law. Visit Steve Gursten’s LinkedIn profile.
Michigan Auto Law exclusively handles car accident, truck accident and motorcycle accident cases throughout the entire state of Michigan. We have offices in Farmington Hills, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids and Sterling Heights.
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