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Bicycle Car Accident Statistics: What You Need To Know

Bicycle Car Accident Statistics

Knowing the bicycle car accident statistics helps bicyclists and drivers understand the dangers inherent in their sharing of our roadways. Tragically, every year, bicyclists are killed and injured in motor vehicles crashes. The risks are higher during certain peak hours of the day and for certain age groups.

Fatal crash data

According to the bicycle car accident statistics, in 2019 there were 846 bicyclists fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes nationwide, which was a 2.9% decrease from 871 in 2018.

In Michigan, 21 bicyclists were killed in bicycle-motor vehicle crashes in both 2019 and 2018.

Bicycle car accident statistics for injured bicyclists in 2019

In 2019, 49,000 bicyclists were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the U.S., which was a 4.3% increase from 47,000 in 2018. In Michigan, 1,129 bicyclists were injured in bike-car/truck accidents in 2019, which was a 6% decrease from 1,202 in 2018. 

Michigan bicycle car accident statistics for 2019

  • 1,501 bicyclists were involved in bike-motor vehicle crashes
  • 21 bicyclists were killed in crashes with cars and/or trucks
  • 1,129 bicyclists were injured in crashes with motor vehicles

Bicyclist behavior

In 2019, 52.4% of the bicyclists who were killed in a crash with a motor vehicle in Michigan were “going straight ahead” just prior to the crash.

Peak hours for crashes

The statistics for Michigan in 2019 show that the peak hour for bicyclist involvement in crashes was between 4:00pm and 4:59pm and the peak hour for bicyclists being killed in crashes is from 6:00pm to 6:59pm.

Age groups at risk

Bicyclists between the ages of 55 and 64 was the top age group for bicyclist fatalities in Michigan in 2019.

The top age group with the highest number bicyclist injuries in Michigan in 2019 was bicyclists between the ages of 11 and 15.

Injured and need a lawyer for a bicycle car accident? Call Michigan Auto Law

If you are a bicyclist and you have been injured in a bicycle car accident, you can call toll free anytime 24/7 at (800) 968-1001 for a free consultation with one of our experienced bicycle accident lawyers. You can also get help from an experienced accident attorney by visiting our contact page or you can use the chat feature on our website.

(Sources: NHTSA, “Overview of Motor Vehicle Crashes in 2019,” Traffic Safety Facts Research Note, December 2020; Michigan Traffic Crash Facts, Fact Sheets, “Bicycles,” 2018 and 2019; Michigan Traffic Crash Facts, Statewide, 2019, Vehicle/Driver, “Michigan Bicycle Crashes”)
